Silver Birchington Plays
For playwrights, actors and directors, Silver Birchington Plays is the go-to destination for everything theatrical. Our online catalogue of hundreds of new scripts by writers from around the world is for performers of all ages
The Cost of a Script
Our scripts are digital.
Each script is priced individually and may be purchased through the website.
We will send your script by email on receipt of payment. The price allows you to make one copy for personal use.
Reading Club copies allow you to circulate scripts to all your members. Please check out our Reading Club page for details.
If you decide to produce the play at a later date we will refund the cost of the script.
Licence applications can be made through the website.

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Our Latest Scripts

Online Performances
In order to help theatres, schools and youth theatres continute to operate during the COVID pandemic, we are issuing licences for online performances on zoom, youtube or similar platforms. It must be password protected and accessible only via private link. Licences cover the number of performances applied for and do not include recording for distribution.
Please fill out our licence application form and let us know whether you will be live streaming or recording.

Silver Birchington Plays Welcomes You
Play Publisher
We are a company specialising in publishing the literary creations of exceptional authors. We can help you write, edit, design, and distribute your play. We publish our titles in eBook format. Contact us to learn more about becoming the next Silver Birchington Plays author.

New Scripts
We are accepting scripts from new playwrights and we are ready to hear from you. Send your script as a word document to enquiries@silverbirchingtonplays.com. Your script will be read by a team of professional readers who will recommend plays for publication.
Once we accept your play we will format your work to our house style and add it to our online catalogue.
It isn't a shortage of good scripts that ails the theatre; it is a shortage of producers who know a good script when they see one.
George Jean Nathan

Our Story
A Small Company with Big Dreams
At Silver Birchington Plays, we believe that every playwright has a story to tell, and that every story deserves to be told. We work with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work. From an idea and rough draft, to editing and publication, Silver Birchington Plays helps our authors produce high quality, interesting, and entertaining scripts.