Women Behaving Badly is a one act farce by Gerry Jones. A naughty story of upper-class misdemeanours, lies, love and deception.
With a wedding approaching Laura and her chief (and only) bridesmaid get stuck into the celebrations. What could go wrong?
A groom with cold feet, a missing passport, a digruntled neighbour (or at least that is who he says he is), and a soon to be divorced couple who cannot be in the same room lead to some face-paced fun as we watch the characters let their hair down and ultimately get what they deserve.
This play calls for clever timing and a good sized sofa. Lots of fun to watch and perform.
Women Behaving Badly by Gerry Jones
All scripts are sent in the form of a PDF. You may request a reading copy. No performance may take place without a licence.
Licences include unlimted printing rights.
The cost of a single script purchase will be refunded if you produce the play at a future date